Thursday, April 10, 2008

Check my Article at Code Project

I am happy to announce my first ever article submission at the Code Project... Please check it out and I am welcome to accept all your comments

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Check it out... It's an open source drag and drop AJAX based portal created by Omar AL Zabir

Now you can Upload files using Ajax

It was well known that ASP.NET AJAX Extensions and the FileUpload Control DO NOT WORK TOGETHER... But now you can make them work!!!!

Check out the new videos in ASP.NET official portal

Thursday, February 7, 2008

MVC in ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions Preview

Finally, the guys at ASP.NET will support MVC... But what is MVC

Model View Controller, or MVC for short, is an Architectural pattern that is used to build complex Software Systems. The inspiration behind the MVC was to separate the Model (Data Access Layer - DAL) from the View (Application User Interface - UI) using Controllers (Event handlers) so that changes in the UI will not affect the handling of Data.

In short:

  • A Model:
    Is a specific representation of Data which adds meaning to raw data.

  • A View:
    Renders the Model in a form where the User can interact with. Multiple Views can be used for a single Model.

  • Controller:
    Responds to user interactions (events) and may call changes on the Model.

For more information about the pattern, and different implementations, check out Wikipedia

For information and Tutorials about the ASP.NET implementation of MVC check out

It has been greate Blogging again, and I’ll be back soon…

C ya all… Peace out…

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

My First Blog

Wow... Finally I'm able to find some time to Blog

Time... Some people consider Time as a 4th dimension in our universe, but I wish someone was able to control time… Maybe then all my problems would be solved easily. From preparing my Masters Thesis in Computer Science, working not less than 9 hours per day in a large Software House, reading articles to keep up with the high speed advance in technology, preparing for certificates, leading an active social group, hanging out with friends, preparing my house, getting ready to get married…

One’s life is full of events, and Time is an important entity that should be managed and planned to satisfy all important issues. So how can we manage our time?

Time Management is a misleading term that people use too much. You cannot physically stop and resume time… Time Management is more about the practices that you follow to make better use of your time. Source: Wikipedia

My personal steps for managing my time are:

  1. Start things as early as you can… Never delay any task or anything you’re supposed to do… I’m used to go to work early, list all my tasks, give some time to plan how I’m gonna get things done in time and go for it until I’m done.

  2. Waste some time in gaining your knowledge… Matter of fact, when I’m facing a new problem at my work, and things look vague, I spend almost 60 - 75% of my time to solve this problem reading about it and learning how to master it. I never worry that I’ll miss my deadline cuz I’m actually working on my task be wasting my time learning about it.

  3. Give some time for small talk… Cuz actually those small discussions may raise someone’s knowledge in a very good way that will help you get done with your issues quickly. Its way better when you listen to what people say rather than babbling with nonsense.

Anyways… It has been great blogging, and since I’ve been writing this for about 20 minutes, I should go now get my work done in time ;)

I’ll be back soon… C ya all… Peace out…